

Date Content Source
1/24/1960 Stamp Club To Show Film - A movie about the St. Lawrence Seaway stamp will be shown at a meeting of Asheville Stamp Club at 7:30 p.m. Monday in S&W Cafeteria. Oscar DeLoach, a postal supervisor, will be in charge of the program. Asheville postmaster Mark Summer Sr. obtained the film from the Post Office Department. Samuel E. Beck, president, will preside at the meeting. Asheville Citizen Times
1/25/1960 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
2/23/1960 Dr. Weaver Heads Stamp Collectors - Dr. Thomas H. Weaver was elected president of the Asheville Stamp Club at the organization's annual meeting Monday in the S and W Cafeteria. Dr. Weaver succeeds Samuel E. Beck, Miss Lena Humphries was reelected secretary-treasurer. The club approved a program plan for the coming year under which studies of various aspects of stamp Asheville Citizen Times
3/28/1960 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
4/25/1960 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
6/27/1960 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
7/25/1960 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
8/21/1960 Dr. Smith To Talk To Stamp Club Here - Dr. Maxwell Smith of Asheville and Miami, Fla., will be guest speaker at monthly business meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at 7 p.m. Monday in S and W Cafeteria. Dr. Smith will give an illustrated lecture on "Natural History Depicted on Postage Stamps." Dr. Thomas H. Weaver will preside at the business session. Asheville Citizen Times
10/24/1960 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
11/28/1960 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
1/23/1961 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
2/7/1961 Image - Fortune Names To Membership In Pioneer Club - Robert G. Fortune, Jr., line superintendent for Carolina Power & Light Company's Asheville district, has been named to membership in the company's Pioneer Club. The honor comes upon completion of 25 years of service with the company. Fortune is a native of Asheville and holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from N.C. State College. He joined CP&L in 1936, was promoted to junion engineer in 1937, division engineer in 1939 and division superintendent in 1947. Fortune is a deacon and Sunday School teacher at First Baptist Church of Asheville, is past master of Mount Hermon Masonic Lodge past president of the American Business Club of Asheville, past president of the Engineers Club of Western North Carolina, past president of the Asheville Stamp Club, and is president of the Board of United Social Services. Mrs. Fortune is the former Mildred Patterson of Greensboro. Asheville Citizen Times
2/27/1961 James Heads Stamp Club - George A. James was elected president of the Asheville Stamp Club at a meeting of the group held Monday night at S & W Cafeteria. Other officers elected were Louis Blodgett, vice president; and French Casteel, secretary treasurer. Gary Flatow presented an illustrated lecture on US Migratory Duck Hunting stamps. Asheville Citizen Times
4/24/1961 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
5/22/1961 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
6/26/1961 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
7/24/1961 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
8/27/1961 7:30 p.m - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
9/25/1961 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
10/23/1961 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
11/26/1961 Stamp Club Meets Monday - George F. Eagan will discuss U.S. Mint Plate Number Blocks of Four and will show his plate block collection at the 7 p.m. Monday monthly meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club in the club room of the S and W Cafeteria. Dr. E.L. Demmon, president, will preside. Asheville Citizen Times
11/27/1961 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
1/22/1962 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
2/26/1962 Stamp Club to Hold Meeting Tonight - Gary Flatow of Asheville will speak at the montly meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club Monday at 7 p.m. in the S and W Cafeteria Clubroom. He will discuss U.S. migratory duck-hunting stamps. An election of officers will be held. Visitors are invited. Asheville Citizen Times
2/26/1962 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
3/25/1962 Stamp Club To Meet - Loren D. Packer will display his collection of music stamps at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at 8 p.m. Monday in the Pine Room of S and W Cafeteria. He also will be guest speaker. Persons interested in stamp collecting have been invited. Asheville Citizen Times
3/26/1962 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
4/23/1962 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
4/29/1962 Stamp Club To Hear Beck - Samuel E. Beck, past president, will be guest speaker at the montly meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at 7 p.m. Monday in S and W Cafeteria. Beck will discuss postal problems of the Confererate States during the War Between the States. The regular meeting was not held April 23 because of the Easter weekend holiday. All visiting stamp collectors in the Asheville area are invited to attend. Dr. Jim James, president, will preside. Asheville Citizen Times
4/30/1962 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, C and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
5/28/1962 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
7/22/1962 Stamp Club Meeting - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in S. and W. Cafeteria. George A. James, president, has announced visitors will be welcome, James said. Asheville Citizen Times
7/23/1962 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
8/27/1962 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
9/24/1962 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
10/22/1962 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
11/26/1962 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
1/27/1963 Asheville Stamp Club Will Hear Two Talks - Two talks concerning coins and currency will be featured at the 7 p.m. Monday meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club in S and W Cafeteria. Albert McLean will speak on "General Coin Collecting" and William Lloyd will discuss "Postal Currency." Officers for the year will be elected during the business session. Asheville Citizen Times
1/29/1963 Blodgett Heads Stamp Club Here - Louis Blodgett was elected president of the Asheville Stamp Club at a dinner meeting Monday night in S and W Cafeteria. Gary Flato was chosen vice president; and Miss Ann Dickerson of Black Mountain, secretary treasurer. Blodgett succeeds Jim James, who reviewed the club's accomplishments during the past year. James reported that mounting frames had been procured for a club exhibit. Albert McLean discussed the proper steps for beginners, who should start with uncirculated stamps as they are issued each year. Asheville Citizen Times
2/25/1963 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
3/25/1963 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
4/22/1963 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
5/27/1963 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
6/24/1963 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
7/22/1963 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
8/26/1963 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
9/22/1963 Stamp Club Cancels Meet - The September meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club, scheduled for Monday, has been cancelled. The October meeting will be held as usual. Asheville Citizen Times
10/27/1963 Lloyd To Address Stamp Club Meeting - William L. Lloyd, past president of the Asheville Coin Club, will discuss counterfeit coins and stamps at an Asheville Stamp Club meeting at 7 p.m. Monday in S and W Cafeteria. Samuel E. Beck will discuss the Confederate Stamp Alliance Exposition which he attended in Newark, N. J., in September. Asheville Citizen Times
10/28/1963 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
11/25/1963 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
12/23/1963 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
1/27/1964 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
3/22/1964 Stamp Club To Meet - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in Biltmore Dairy Bar. Asheville Citizen Times
3/23/1964 7:00 p.m. - Biltmore Dairy Bar Asheville Citizen Times
4/27/1964 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
5/25/1964 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
6/22/1964 7:00 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria Asheville Citizen Times
8/24/1964 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Biltmore Dairy Clubrooms Asheville Citizen Times
9/28/1964 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Biltmore Dairy Clubrooms Asheville Citizen Times
10/26/1964 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Biltmore Dairy Clubrooms Asheville Citizen Times
11/23/1964 7:15 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Clug, Biltmore Dairy Clubrooms Asheville Citizen Times
12/28/1964 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Biltmore Dairy Clubrooms Asheville Citizen Times
2/22/1965 7 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Biltmore Dairy Clubrooms Asheville Citizen Times
10/11/1966 Sam Beck, Area Historian, Famed Collector, 67, Dies
Samuel E. Beek, 67, noted historian of the mountain region and a retired businessman, died in a hospital here early Monday. He had been in declining health for several months.
Mr. Beck, who lived at 625 Hendersonville Road, retired in 1957 as office manager and comptroller for Armour & Co., after 38 years with the company.
He joined the firm here in 1919 as a stock clerk. In 1926, he was transferred to Lexington, Ky., as assistant cashier. He served with Armour as accountant and cashier in Bristol and Louisville before returning to | Asheville in 1928 as cashier. He had been here ever since.
Long active in Western North Carolina historical affairs, Mr. I Beck founded the Museum of the ! Cherokee Indian in 1948 on the Cherokee Indian Reservation. | His collection of Cherokee ' ; items formed the museum’s nucleus.
Mr. Beck had been a past president and trustee of the Western North Carolina Historical Association. He also was I former president and a trustee । of the Thomas Wolfe Memorial 'Association.
Known for having one of the area’s most extensive stamp collections, Mr. Beck was a past president of the Asheville Stamp Club, and a former regional vice president of the Society of Philatelic Americans.
In addition to serving as a trustee of Cherokee Historical Association, he at one time had been vice president of the North Carolina Archeological Association.
J. At the time of his death, he I was serving as executive vice , president of the newly - created r Museum of the Southern High-!| lands.
p A biography of Mr. Beck was I published in 1956 in the History ! | of North Carolina.
« For many years, he had been
an active member of the Biltmore Lions Club, of which he was a past president.
A native of Jackson County, he was a son of the late Joseph and Laura Snider Beck. He was a member of the official board of Biltmore Methodist Church.
A veteran of World War I, he served 10 months in France as a member of the 30th Division of the U.S. Army.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lena C. Beck; a step-daughter, Mrs. Gail Whitaker of Jackson, Miss.; a step-son, Lenoir B. ! Moore Jr. of Asheville; a broth-I er, Wade Beck of Cherokee; I three nephews, a niece and five 1 grandchildren.
Services will be held at 2 p , m. Wednesday in the chapel ol ; Groce Funeral Home.
I The Rev. R. Pascal Waugh . and the Rev. Milford Thumrr will officiate and burial will b( i in Green Hills Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Ernest M iHansel. W. C. Pearson, Floy* i Goff. Kenneth O’Barr, E. W Pitts and Isaac Lichtenfels Honorary pallbearers will bi members of Biltmore Lion Club, the official board of Bilt more Methodist Church, Chero kee Historical Association, West ern North Carolina Associatioi and Southern Highlands Mu seum.
Asheville Citizen Times