Date | Content | Source |
1/9/1940 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - Asheville Stamp Club will hold its January meeting in the chamber of commerce assembly room in the Arcade building tonight at 8 o'clock. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/9/1940 | Stamp Club To Hold Auction, Quiz Tonight - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the S. and W. Cafeteria. A business session will begin at 8 p.m. A short auction and a quiz on stamps of Great Britain, Canada, Newfoundland and Australia will be held. The club will hold an exhibition May 5 in connection with the 100th anniversary of the issuance of the first postage stamp. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/9/1940 | Another household name will entered on the books here today when enumerators meet Postmaster General James A. Farley when he gets off a train at Biltmore en route to Canton, where he will dedicate the new post office. Members of Mr. Farley's party, including two assistant postmasters general, also will be tabulated. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/28/1940 | Stamp Club will Hold Exhibit at City Hall - The Asheville Stamp Club will sponsor a stamp exhibit at the city hall next Saturday and Sunday. Any collector may exhibit his collection and no admission charge or entry fee will be made. The exhibit is being planned as a part of the 100th anniversary celebration of the issuance of the first United States postal stamp. | Asheville Citizen Times |
5/5/1940 | Stamp Club To Have Exhibit At City Hall - The Asheville Stamp Club will conduct an exhibit of stamps all this week in the art guild room of the city hall in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the development of the postage stamp. The exhibit will be open today from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and each week-day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. At 8 o'clock tonight, members of the Asheville Stamp Club will hold a regular meeting in the city hall and at the time will listen to a radio broadcast by President Roosevelt in connection with the opening of the celebration. The public has been invited to inspect the display and alos to attend the meeting tonight. Club officers have announced that some very fine collections are to be seen at the exhibit. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/9/1940 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Select Officers - Election of officers for 1940 will feature a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the S. and W. Cafeteria. An auction sale of stamps will be held following the election. | Asheville Citizen Times |
10/6/1940 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tuesday - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, at the S. and W. Cafeteria. An auction will be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/14/1941 | Stamp Club To Meet - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the S. and W. Cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/15/1941 | Stamp Club Elects Fell As President - M. K. Fell was elected president of the Asheville Stamp Club at a meeting at the S. and W. Cafeteria last night. Other officers named were: H. C. Beumer, vice-president, and S. H. Shock, secretary-treasurer. The following directors were elected: S. E. Beck, Frank Barber, J. L. Brown, Reed Kitchin, Dr. George F. Baier, Jr., Mrs. Sallie Frei and Phillip B. Hall. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/17/1941 | 10 years ago today: The second exhibit of postage stamps in the history of Asheville opened at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel under the auspices and management of the Asheville Stamp Club. Included in the elaborate display of stamps from all corners of the globe are parts of collections owned by Burnham S. Colburn, Frank A. Barber and other collectors. | Asheville Citizen Times |
2/11/1941 | Beumer To Speak At Stamp Club Meeting - The Asheville Stamp Club will hear a talk by H.C. Beumer at a supper meeting tonight at 7 o'clock. Mr. Beumer's subject will be "Meter Slogans and Cancellations." Supper will be served at the S. and W. Cafeteria at 7 p.m. M.K. Fell, club president, will preside. The public is invited to attend. | Asheville Citizen Times |
3/11/1941 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet tonight at the S. and W. Cafeteria. Dinner will served at 7 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 8. R. Stanford Webb will speak on the subject, "Carrier and Local Stamps." S. H. Shock will discuss "Stamps of Lundy Isle," and an auction and exchange will follow. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/6/1941 | Prize Winning Stamps To Be Exhibited Here - The stamp collection of James W. Shaver of Logansport, Ind., one of the nation's outstanding collectors, will be exhibited at the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the S. and W. cafeteria. The collection has won several prizes in the United States and includes a complete group of postages from Danzig. The public is invited to attend. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/8/1941 | Stamp Collection To Be Shown At Meeting - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet at the S. and W. cafeteria at 8 o'clock tonight. One of the features of the program will be the showing of the Newfoundland collection of Edward Vining of St. Louis, president of the Society of Philatelic Americans. The collection was sent to Asheville through the courtesy fo the society of which the Asheville Club is a member. The usual stamp auction, conducted by Dr. George Baier, will be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
8/12/1941 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - The Asheville Stamp club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the Enka clubhouse, club officials announced yesterday. | Asheville Citizen Times |
12/9/1941 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet on the roof garden of the George Vanderbilt Hotel at 7:30 o'clock tonight. A general discussion will be held for the benefit of beginners and each beginner will be given a free stamp packet. A stamp auction will also be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/12/1942 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tuesday - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, at the S. and W. Cafeteria. Following a short program, an auction will be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
5/10/1942 | Auction Will Feature Stamp Club Meeting - A stamp auction to which the public is invited will feature the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club on Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the S. and W. Cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
11/10/1942 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the S. and W. Cafeteria. Harry Beumer president, will provide. The public is invited. | Asheville Citizen Times |
12/8/1942 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - The Asheville Stamp club will hear an illustrated lecture on United States Commemorative stamps at the meeting of the group at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the S. and W. Cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
12/14/1942 | HARRY BEUMER FUNERAL RITES SET FOR TODAY Services Will Be Held At Dunn And Groce Chapel At 2:30 The funeral of Harry Cornelius Beumer, 46, who died Saturday night at his home at 4 Crescent Street, Enka, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Dunn and Groce funeral chapel. The Rev. Arthur W. Farnum, rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal church, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. J. T. Biddle, pastor of the Enka Baptist church. Burial will be in Green Hills cemetery. Mr. Beumer was librarian and Dutch school teacher at the American Enka corporation, with which company he had been associated for the past 13 years. He was president of the Asheville Stamp club at the time of his death. Mr. Beumer was a native of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Active pallbearers will be F. L. Conder, J. C. F. Gorter. Dr. W. J. D. van Dobbenburgh, D. Slikker J. C. Auer and S. Mann. Honorary pallbearers: Dr. Walter Johnson, Dr. William S. Justice. Dr. A. J. L. Moritz. Dr. J. J. Polak, C. Vanderhooven, J. R. Gill, J. J. Schilthuis, P. P. Kriek, J. D. W Hubbeling, J. Heykoop. H. S. Pos. J. Kemps, A. G. Bouhuys. L. A. Moritz. J. A. Houtman, P. Van-scherpenzeel. G. Spaanbroek, J. Kroes, G. Vanderkaaden, J. Schoonderwoerd, J. B. Verschuyl, Dr. G. I. Thurmond and Dr. George F Baier, Jr. Surviving are the widow; one son, Cecil Cornelius Beumer of Enka: his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik C. Beumer of The Netherlands: two sisters, Mrs. J. Duenker and Miss Hendreka Beumer of the Netherlands. |
Asheville Citizen Times |
12/15/1942 | Funeral Rites Conducted For Harry Beumer Funeral services for Harry Cornelius Beumer, 46, who died at his home at 4 Crescent Street, Enka, Saturday afternoon were held at the Dunn and Groce funeral chapel yesterday afternoon, with the Rev. Arthur W. Farnum, rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal church, assisted by the Rev. J. T. Biddle, pastor of the Enka Baptist church, officiating. Burial was in Green Hills cemetery. A native of Amsterdam, Mr. Beumer was librarian and Dutch school teacher at the American Enka corporation. He had been associated with the company for 13 years and was president of the Asheville Stamp club at the time of his death. Surviving are his widow; one son, Cecil Cornelius Beumer of Enka: his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik C. Beumer of The Netherlands: two sisters, Mrs. J. Duenker and Miss Hendreka Beumer of the Netherlands. Active pallbearers were F. L. Conder, J. C. F. Gorter. Dr. W. J. D. van Dobbenburgh, D. Slikker J. C. Auer and S. Mann. Honorary pallbearers: Dr. Walter Johnson, Dr. William S. Justice. Dr. A. J. L. Moritz. Dr. J. J. Polak, C. Vanderhooven, J. R. Gill, J. J. Schilthuis, P. P. Kriek, J. D. W Hubbeling, J. Heykoop. H. S. Pos. J. Kemps, A. G. Bouhuys. L. A. Moritz. J. A. Houtman, P. Van-scherpenzeel. G. Spaanbroek, J. Kroes, G. Vanderkaaden, J. Schoonderwoerd, J. B. Verschuyl, Dr. G. I. Thurmond and Dr. George F Baier, Jr. |
Asheville Citizen Times |
1/10/1943 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Elect Officers - Election of officers and the showing of U.S. commeratives will be highlights of the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the S. and W. Cafeteria. The slides are sent from the National Federation of Stamp Clubs, and the projector is furnished and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Latta Clement. The public is invited. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/13/1943 | J. L. Brown Is Named Head Of Stamp Club - J. L. Brown was elected president of the Asheville Stamp Club at a meeting last night at the S. and W. Cafeteria. Nat Friedman was chosen vice president and S. H. Shock, secretary-treasurer. The club voted to put on a philatelic play on February 8 at the S. and W. Cafeteria. The play will deal with the humorous side of stamp collecting. The cast will be composed of the Druitt Studio of Speech. | Asheville Citizen Times |
2/7/1943 | Play To Be Feature of Stamp Club Meeting - A humorous play about stamp collectors presented by the Druitt Studio of Speech, and an illustrated lecture. "The Penny Black", will feature the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the S. and W. Cafeteria. "Philtel-mania" is the title of the play which is directed by Nadine Massey, assistant director of the Druitt studio. The cast includes Hazel Phillips, Tillie Bassett, Hattie Davis, S. H. Shook, Alphones Muruzak and Miss Massey. If time permits, there will be an auction, it was stated. | Asheville Citizen Times |
3/7/1943 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tuesday - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the S. and W. Cafeteria. Another set of lantern slides shown U.S. double transfers, cracked plates and other errors will be presented. There also will be an auction sale. | Asheville Citizen Times |
5/11/1943 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the S. and W. Cafeteria. The meeting will feature and auction and the display of stamps for sale or trade. Members are invited to bring friends. Visitors are welcome. | Asheville Citizen Times |
10/10/1943 | Stam Club To Meet AT Grove Park Inn Tuesday - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet at Grove Park Inn Tuesday at 8 p.m. An auction wil be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
11/9/1943 | Stamp Club To Meet - The November meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club will be held tonight at 7:30 o'clock at S. and W. Cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/6/1944 | 10 Years Ago Today - A junior stamp club for Asheville boys and girls will be organized this evening under the sponsorship of the Asheville Stamp Club, with Frederick Severence as adviser. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/9/1944 | Stamp Club To Elect Directors Tuesday - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at S. and W. Cafeteria. A new board of directors will be elected. Another in a series of "Stamp Quiz" programs and an auction will be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/11/1944 | Stamp Club To Elect New Directors Tonight - The Asheville Stamp Club will elect a board of directors at the meeting of the club tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the S. and W. Cafeteria. A quiz program and an auction will be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
2/8/1944 | Asheville Stamp Club To Hold Meet Tonight - A quiz program and an auction of stamps will feature the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club tonight at 7:30 o'clock at S. and W. Cafeteria. Nat Friedman, president of the club, will preside. | Asheville Citizen Times |
2/10/1944 | Directors To Meet - A directors' meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Nat Friedman, president. | Asheville Citizen Times |
8/6/1944 | Stamp Club To Meet Tuesday In Enka Clubhouse - The Asheville Stamp Club will hold its August meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Enka clubhouse, it has been announced by President Nat Friedman. The club will welcom guests, whether residents or visitors to Western North Carolina. Visitors and members alike are invited to bring collections for exhibit and all philatelic material they may care to offer during the regular auction period. Those planning to attend are requested to assemble at 15 Broadway at 7 p.m. Tuesday, in order that those driving may take those without transportation to and from the meeting. | Asheville Citizen Times |
11/15/1944 | Stamp Club Meets - Members of the Asheville Stamp Club held their November meeting last evening in S. and W. Cafeteria. The group discussed the new 13-cent and 17-cent special delivery and three-cent motion picture stamps. The regular stamp auction was held following the business meeting. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/8/1945 | Stamp Club to Meet - The January meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club will be held at the S and W Cafeteria tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock, Nat Friedman, president, has announced. The annual nomination and election of officers will take place and the montly auction will be held following the business meeting. | Asheville Citizen Times |
3/11/1945 | Stamp Club Will Hold Monthly Meet Tuesday - The Asheville Stamp Club will hold its monthly meeting in S. and W. cafeteria Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The featured speaker will be Gustave Lichtenfels, who will exhibit his collection of 19th and 20th Century U.S. blocks of four and some of his specimens of outstanding coins of the early United States. A brief business meeting and the regular philatelic auction also will be held. All stamp collectors are invited to attend as guests of the club. | Asheville Citizen Times |
3/14/1945 | Coin Collection Shown At Meeting Of Club - Gustav Lichtenfels exhibited a collection of early United States coins and 19th and 20th century U. S. stamps at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club last evening in S. and W. Cafeteria. Samuel E. Beck served as program chairman and Nat Friedman, president, presided. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/9/1945 | Asheville Stamp Club To Name New President - A new president will be elected at a meeting of the board of the Asheville Stamp Club at 7:30 o'clock this evening in S. and W. Cafeteria. All members of the club have been invited to attend. | Asheville Citizen Times |
5/6/1945 | Stamp Club To Meet - Members of the Asheville Stamp Club will hold a stamp auction at a meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in S and W. cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/8/1945 | Stamp Club Scheduled To Hold Meet at Enka - Several visiting Florida dealers are expected to attend and discuss stamp topics of interest at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at the Enka Lake club house Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Nat Friedman, president, will preside. | Asheville Citizen Times |
10/10/1945 | Stamp Club Meets - The regular stamp auction and exhibition featured a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club last evening at the home of Mrs. R. W. Johnson, Haw Creek. Business reports heard. | Asheville Citizen Times |
11/11/1945 | Stamp Club Plans Monthly Meeting Tuesday Evening - The Asheville Stamp Club will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the S. and W. Cafeteria. Club President Nat Friedman has announced that Warren W. Scholl, well-known New York philatelist now visiting in this area, has been invited to speak on current trends and future investment values of mint U.S. stamps. A brief business session will be held. The regular auction of duplicate stamps will conclude the meeting. Visitors and those interested in stamps who are non-members are invited to attend as guest of the club. | Asheville Citizen Times |
11/14/1945 | Scholl Is Speaker At Stamp Club - Warren W. Scholl, philatelist from New York City, spoke on "Present Values and Speculation in Stamps versus Collecting" at the montly meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club held last night in S. and W. Cafeteria. Nat Friedman, president of the club, presided. The regular auction of duplicate stamps was held, and visitors included: Elmer Berry of Boston, Howard Hayes of Asheville and Don Stevens of Candler. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/6/1946 | Asheville Stamp Club To Elect New Officers - The Asheville Stamp Club will hold its January meeting in S. and W. Cafeteria Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Election of officers, postponed from the previous meeting because of the holidays, will be used. Exhibits and the regular stamp auction will be held following the business session. Visitors and non-members who collect stamps are invited to attend. Retiring President Nat Friedman will officiate at the election and conduct the auction. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/11/1946 | New Officers, Directors Named By Stamp Club - The Asheville Stamp Club has appointed nine new members to its board of directors and the board has named two officers for the coming year, it was announced last night. New members of the board are S. E. Beck, W. F. Castiel, M. F. Cipar, Mrs. R. W. Johnson, W. F. Krickhan, H. Rosendahl, S. H. Shock, C. W. Stephen, C. F. Stoneciper, and Nat Friedman, retiring president. S. E. Beck was appointed president and M. F. Cipar was named secetary-treasurer. The club meets every second Tuesday in S. and W. Cafeteria. The next meeting will be held May 7 at 7:30 p.m. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/12/1946 | Curt Pfaizgraf was winner of the grand prize in the exhibit of the Asheville Junior Stamp club which is being shown in the art guild room of the city hall. | Asheville Citizen Times |
6/10/1946 | Colburn to Talk at Stamp Club Meeting Tuesday - Burnham S. Colburn, president of the First National Bank and Trust Company and prominent philatelist, will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club to be held in S. and W. Cafeteria at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night. Mr. Colburn, a charter member of the club when it was organized 18 years ago and now an honorary member, will exhibit a volume of rare Canadian revenue stamps in sheets which comprise the bill stamps or first three issues of the federal stamps of Canada. Samuel E. Beck, president of the club, will preside at the meeting. | Asheville Citizen Times |
6/11/1946 | Stamp Club To Hear B.S. Colburn Tonight - Burnham S. Colburn, president of the First National Bank and Trust Company, will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club, in celebration of the 18th anniversary of its founding, to be held in S. and W. Cafeteria tonight at 8 o'clock. Mr. Colburn was a charter member of the club and is now an honorary member. An auction sale of stamps will be held. Philatelists visiting in the area are invited to attend. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/7/1946 | Tennessean Will Be Heard By Stamp Club - A.C. Delpeuch, secretary of the Knoxville, Tenn. stamp club, will be guest speaker during a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock in the S and W Cafeteria. Mr. Delpeuch, a collector of French stamps, attended the 43rd annual convention of the Society of Philatelic Americans held here in 1937. W. C. Henry of the Knoxville club, a collector of United States stamps, will also speak. Samuel E. Beck, club president, will preside. | Asheville Citizen Times |
10/15/1946 | STAMP EXHIBIT IS BEING HELD Club Sponsoring Display In Window Of Store On Patton Avenue An exhibit of rare United States and foreign stamps Is on display ! this week through Sunday in the window of the Man Store. 22 Patton avenue, under sponsorship of the Asheville Stamp club. Among objects in the exhibit is a frame belonging to Miss Fannie Lee Cooke, of Candler, including stamps from 1847 through 1869 and also the first two stamps issued by the United States government almost 100 years ago. Set of Columbian Issue Gustav Llcbtenfels is showing one frame which includes a complete set of the Columbian issue from one cent to five dollars. The various stamps in this issue portray scenes In connection with Colurnbus discovery of America. A complete set of stamps commemorating the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elisabeth Is being shown by Gerald Medd, of Aiden. He is also showing a complete set of the silver jubilee issue of King George V. Charles Millard, of Asheville, is exhibiting a frame with stamps representing the presidents of the United States. Stamps issued by the United States in honor of ail the down trodden nations of the world, In addition to semi-postal stamps of Switzerland and Italian colonies are being shown by Hugo Rosendahl. First Day Covers. In compliment to the various branches of the armed services of the United States, are being displayed by Mel Cipar. A number of covers taken from the ruins of Manila by Douglas Allison, which represent the three governments that have recently ruled the Philippines, Including the new republic since the liberation, are being shown in the display by Mr. Allison. Samuel E. Beck is president of the Asheville Stamp club and Melvin F. Cipar is secretary-treasurer. Meetings of the club, which was organized In 1928, are held in S. and W. Cafeteria at 7:30 p. m. every second Tuesday in the month. |
Asheville Citizen Times |
2/10/1947 | News of Other Days - 10 Years Ago Today - The various processes used in the manufacture of stamps was described last night by Bob Mackelfresh in a talk at the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at the Asheville-Biltmore Stamp Club. | Asheville Citizen Times |
6/21/1947 | 10 Years Ago Today - The Asheville Junior Stamp Club met Saturday at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel with the president Albert Jacobson presiding. J.L. Steele spoke on several phase of stamp collecting. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/8/1947 | 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club to meet in S. and W. Cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/8/1947 | Asheville Stamp Club Will See Exhibit Tonight - J. W. Palmer of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., will exhibit a portion of his stamp collection at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at 7:30 o'clock this evening in S. and W. Cafeteria. The Palmer exhibit will include U.S. air mail stamps in blocks of four with position plate numbers. Douglas Allison, president, will preside. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/22/1947 | 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club to meet in S. and W. Cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/22/1947 | ?? | Asheville Citizen Times |
12/14/1947 | 10 Years Ago Today - Frank A. Barber will speak at the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club to be held tonight in S and W Cafeteria. | Asheville Citizen Times |
12/28/1947 | 10 Years Ago Today - Sam E. Beck was named president of the Asheville Stamp Club at a meeting of the board of directors. | Asheville Citizen Times |
12/7/1948 | Today in Asheville - 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, S and W Cafeteria | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/9/1949 | Stamp Club To Meet Tuesday Evening - H. E. Wheeler, director of the Museum of the Cherokee Indian at Cherokee, will speak at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in S and W Cafeteria. His subject will be "Ways in Which Stamps Protect Themselves." Wheeler's talk will be illustrated with a display of stamps. He will be introduced by Samuel E. Beck, president. Officers and a board of directors will be elected. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/12/1949 | Stamp Club Members Hear Dr. Wheeler - Dr. H. E. Wheeler, director of the Cherokee Indian Museum at Cherokee, spoke on stamps at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club held last night in S and W Cafeteria. Dr. Wheeler said that stamp collectors should collect stamps for their beauty as well as for their historical and educational value. He also recommended collectors mount their stamps on hand-drawn pages. Dr. Wheeler exhibited several collections of his stamps and described the work done on his hand-drawn mounted stamp holders. Samuel Beck, president, presided and introduced the speaker. | Asheville Citizen Times |
2/6/1949 | Asheville Stamp Club To Name New Officers - Election of officers will be held at the regular monthly meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the George Vanderbilt Hotel. Samuel E. Beck, president, will preside. | Asheville Citizen Times |
2/8/1949 | Beck Elected As President of Stamp Club - Samuel E. Beck was elected president of the Asheville Stamp Club at a meeting of the group in Langren Hotel last night. Other officers elected are Col O. M. Hewitt, vice president, and Hanson C. Miller, secretary-treasurer. The following were elected to the board of directors: Douglas Allison, E. H. Berry, W. F. Castell, Nat Friedman, Col. Hewitt, Mrs. R. W. Johnson, Samuel H. Schock, Dr. John Stevens, Dr. P.R. Terry, H.C. Miller and Beck. The following commitees were appointed: Auctioneer, Freidman; membership, Miller, Castell and Allison; entertainment, Dr. Terry, Dr. Stevens and Schock. Seven new members were accepted. | Asheville Citizen Times |
5/9/1949 | 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Langren Hotel | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/11/1949 | 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Langren Hotel | Asheville Citizen Times |
8/8/1949 | 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Langren Hotel | Asheville Citizen Times |
10/10/1949 | 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Langren Hotel | Asheville Citizen Times |
12/12/1949 | 7:30 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club, Langren Hotel | Asheville Citizen Times |