Date | Content | Source |
12/19/1930 | Stamp Club to Offer Exhibit: Interesting Collection will be shown January 16-17. Postal exhibits from virtually every country and colony on the globe, and other pieces of rare interest will be on exhibit at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel Friday and Saturday, January 16-17, it was announced yesterday. The exhibit will be arranged and sponsored by the Asheville Stamp Club of which Frederick Q. Boyer is president. This will be the second show held by the club, the first one having been held several months ago. First and second prizes and certificates of award will be given for the best exhibits of each of the following classifications: A specialized collection, general collection, collection of philosophical interest, collection of philatelic historical interest, collection of airmail postage, collection of pre-cancelled stamps, collection of first flight covers, and arrangement of exhibit. All stamps exhibited must be the property of the exhibitor and must be turned over to the exhibit commitee at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel on or before noon January 16. An entranct of $1.00 for seniors and 50 cents for junior exhibitors will be charged, allowing the exhibitor to enter one or all classes. The commitee in chard of the exhibition is composed of Mrs. Latta Clement, Lester Baldwin and Stanley H. Wright. New officers of the club who were elected at the last meeting are F. Q. Boyer, president; Frank A. Barber, vice president; Lester Baldwin, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. G. Latta Clement, director. | Asheville Citizen Times |
3/2/1932 | Stamp Club To Hold Meet This Evening - A meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club will be held this evening at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel. There will be a number of talks by members on things which have happened of interest to philately during the past month. The public is invited to attend the meeting. Stanley H. Wright is president of the club and will preside. Dr. Paul Weist is vice-president and Frank A. Barber is secretary and treasurer. | Asheville Citizen Times |
3/31/1933 | STAMP FEATURE WILL BE GIVEN Philately For Shut-Ins To Be Broadcast On Station WWNC Philately for Shut-Ins will be a feature of the Friday afternoon broadcast schedule of station WWNC every two weeks. At 4:45 this afternoon, the first regular formal meeting of the radio branch of The Asheville Stamp club will be on the air. This radio branch club Is composed of people interested in stamp collecting who are cither shut-Ins or people living outside of Asheville, and who are so removed as to be unable to come to the regular meetings of the Asheville Stamp club. 17 Charter Members During the past month and a half. seventeen charter members have been secured as the result of the "organization meetings" that have been conducted every two weeks at that hour. Now that this quota has been reached, election of officers will be in order a the meeting this afternoon, and It is expected that a president, vice president and exchange committee will be selected from the charter mem- E. L. Bayne, active secretary, of the radio branch, will officiate during the broadcast today, and one of the outstanding feaures of the program will bo a message to those listening, delivered by Frank A. Barber, president of the present organization. the Asheville Stamp club. Shepherd Given Credit Credit for the formation of this radio stamp organization is given to A. O. Shopherd, director of WWNC and a member of he A.S.C., for It was he who first put the Idea before members of the established club. As Mr. Shepherd pointed out, his now activity will permit shut-Ins to reap a greater benefit from their Collecting activities, and will stimulate this hobby among those who otherwise would not have con- , tact with other interested persons in this section. |
Asheville Citizen Times |
5/26/1933 | Stamp Club Will Hold Meeting on June 7: The Asheville Stamp club, which for three years has held on of the largest stamp shows in the south, will hold another exhibition this year. It was learned yesterday. Details for the event will be arranged and announced later. The last three shows which attracted many valuable collections, worth many of thousands of dollars, have been held at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel. It is expected that the 1933 show will be held there also. The club will hold its next meeting Wednesday night, June 7, at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel. | Asheville Citizen Times |
10/4/1933 | 8 p.m. - Asheville Stamp Club meets, Asheville-Biltmore Hotel. | Asheville Citizen Times |
7/2/1935 | Asheville Stamp Club To Hold Meet Today - Members of the Asheville Stamp Club will meet at 8 o'clock this evening at the Asheville-Biltmore hotel, the monthly meeting date having been changed from the first Wednesday to the first Tuesday evening in each monty. G.O. Shepherd, president of the club, will preside. In addition to the regular business of the club, there will be an auction sale of more that 60 itesm. All members and others interested have been invited to attend. | Asheville Citizen Times |
1/12/1937 | Post Office to Cease Making Bonus Payments - Veterans' bonus payments will not be made at post offices after Friday, it was revealed yesterday by Wythe M. Peyton, Asheville postmaster. Instructions to this effect have been received from Washington, he said. Postmasters will continue to certify the certificates as to the identity of the veterans, Mr. Peyton stated, but they will forward the certificates to a federal reserve bank, from which the checks will be mailed. At the close of business yesterday, $9,040,700 had been paid verterans through the Asheville Post Office. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/27/1937 | Society Will Be Honored By Special Stamp - Will Be Issued During the National Convention Of Group Here - The post office department will honor the 43rd national convention of the Society of Philatelic Americans, to be held here in August, with a special stamp, it was learned yesterday by members of the Asheville Stamp Club. On the borders of the special stamp will be printed "In compliment to the 43rd national convention of the Society of Philatelic Americans, Asheville, N.C., August 26, 27, 28." The center of the special stamp will carry a design of a stamp now in print. G.O. Shepherd, president of the Asheville Stamp Club, said his organization will recommend the placing of the 10-cent Great Smoky Mountains National park stamp in the center of the special issue. Between 100,000 and 150,000 of the special stamps will be sent to all parts of the world in response to requests of stamp collectors and Asheville will receive much publicity by this fact alone, it was pointed out. Wythe M. Peyton, Asheville postmaster, has been authorized to establish a branch post office in the Battery Park hotel for the duration of the convention, Mr. Shepherd announced. Many collectors from all over the world will order first-day covers carrying the Asheville stamp postmarked from the Battery Park post office the opening day of the convention, he said. | Asheville Citizen Times |
8/22/1937 | Souvenir Stamps Placed On First Day Covers Asheville post office employees are seen here affixing to envelopes copies of the national park souvenir stamp issued in compliment to the convention here this week of the Society of Philatelic Americans. Eleven employes have been working overtime for several nights putting the stamps on covers sent here from all parts of the world. This picture was taken Friday night, and yesterday Postmaster Wythe M. Peyton found it necessary to add three more workers to the overtime force, which will work today to keep up with the orders. After all covers are stamped, they will be cancelled and dispatched from Asheville Thursday, first day of the philatelic convention. Postal employees seen in the picture are: Front row, left to right, Miss Verda McIntire, Fred C. Springer and Richard Wolf. Second row, W H. Gaddis and James A Duncan. Third row, Paul T Lominac, Walter Peyton and Will Webster Back row, O. N. Norman, G. M. Roberts and Louis B. Ballard. Standing, Postmaster Peyton (left) and George M. Foster, assistant postmaster. |
Asheville Citizen Times |
11/27/1937 | JUNIOR STAMP CLUB WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED Winning entries in the semi-annual stamp exhibit of the Asheville Junior Stamp club, which opened yesterday afternoon in the art room of the city hall, were selected yesterday. Prizes will be awarded this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The winning entries were as follows: Covers. Manuel Robinson, first prize. George Lamprinakos, second. United States stamps, Sammy Rosen, first prize; Curt Pfalzgraf. Novelties: Albert Jacobson, first prize; Miss Josephine Hamilton, second. Trave: Albert Jacobson, first prize; Manuel Robinson, second. Prizes will be donated by the Asheville Stamp club Frank Barber and James L. Steele, of Candler, both members of the senior club, acted as judges. The exhibit will remain open through Sunday. Hours today and Sunday are 2 until 5 o'clock. |
Asheville Citizen Times |
2/9/1938 | Shock Delivers Talk At Meeting Of Stamp Club - S. H. Shock was the pricipal speaker at the meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club held last night at the S. and W. Cafeteria. He discussed the universal postal congress souvenir album using one of the 125 albums in existance to illustrate his lecture. The album shown is the property of Junius Radeker. They were given out at the universal postal congress in 1897. A packet of stamps was distributed to all "beginners" at the meeting. | Asheville Citizen Times |
3/20/1938 | Stamp Club To Meet - The Asheville Stamp Club met yesterday afternoon at the Asheville-Biltmore Hotel with Albert Jacobson presiding. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/11/1938 | Stamp Club to Hear Miss Baker - Stamps of Saar Region to be displayed at Meeting. Miss Corinth Baker, who specialized in stamps of the Saar before its merger with Germany, will be the principal speaker at a dinner meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday evening at the S & W Cafeteria. Miss Baker is said to have every stamp issued in the Saar mounted in an attractive frame. She will exhibit them at the meeting. There will be an auction sale of unused United States stamps, mostly in commemorative blocks of four, in which most of the 300 Asheville stamp collectors are interested. An attractive set of poster stamps featuring Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will be presented by the program committee to everyone attending. Another feature will be a 10 minute instruction program to beginners, under the direction of G.O. Shepherd. All persons interested in stamps are invited to attend. The regular program will follow the dinner and will begin at 8 o'clock. | Asheville Citizen Times |
4/13/1938 | Asheville Stamp Club Hears Talk By Miss Baker - Miss Corinth Baker, Asheville philatelist, spoke on stamps of the Saar region at a dinner meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at the S. and W. Cafeteria here last night. A feature of the program was an exhibit including every stamp issued in the country before its merger with Germany. R. P. Simmons conducted a brief instruction program for beginner collectors, andposter stamps of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs were distributed to those attending the meeting. A number of commerative blocks of unused United State Stamps were disposed of at an auction held in connection of the meeting. Frank Barber explained the difference between stamps made by the engraving and photographic methods. | Asheville Citizen Times |
10/11/1938 | Asheville Stamp Club Will Meet Tonight - The Asheville Stamp club will meet at the S and W Cafeteria at 8 o'clock tonight. Dr. Charles Hursh will be the principal speaker. A number of out-of-town collectors are expected to attend the meeting. | Asheville Citizen Times |
2/14/1939 | Stamp Club To Meet - The Asheville Stamp Club will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the S. and W. Cafeteria. A general trading forum will be held. | Asheville Citizen Times |
5/10/1939 | Stamp Movie Shown - "Travels of a Postage Stamp", a film recently released by the Post Office Department were shown at a meeting of the Asheville Stamp Club at the S. and W. Cafeteria last night. A number of visitors were present. | Asheville Citizen Times |